City of Daytona Beach Shores

City of Daytona Beach Shores

About Us

Welcome to the Shores!

Daytona Beach Shores is a vibrant coastal municipality of 5,100 residents located beachside, with 5.5 miles of white-sand beaches treasured by residents and visitors alike! The Shores is on the barrier island directly south of Daytona Beach, Florida, and features the Atlantic Ocean on the east and the Halifax River on the west.

Residents and visitors enjoy the pristine beach - whether for sunrise walks or bicycling, playing in the sand and surf, or enjoying the quiet solitude of the setting sun. Boats sail and cruise along our waterways daily, making the views from either the east or the west particularly scenic. Shore birds are abundant, and the beaches are maintained with dunes that protect the natural habitat. We are truly a beachside retreat!

Founded in 1960 by local businessmen who favored a small community, Daytona Beach Shores is a unique community that serves as a beachside retreat and a vibrant municipality. Active lifestyle and recreation are part of the culture here, with a modern, spacious Shores Community Center that offers classes, social activities and special events such as free concerts year-round.

The City features a dozen manicured parks that provide access from the ocean to the river, including tennis and pickleball facilities, a dog park and pavilions that can be reserved for picnics and parties.

Daytona Beach Shores is home to hotels and resorts, outstanding restaurants and many shopping opportunities. Dozens of businesses serve the community. Fishing, dining and beautiful views are available at the Sunglow Pier. The Daytona Beach Area Convention & Visitors Bureau website is a resource providing a list of attractions, hotels and restaurants in the Shores.

We are proud of our 60+ years as a City, and we look toward the future. Life is better here!